God's Peace
How aware are you of all that you are currently grieving? While the list may be daunting, Dr. Peggy Banks shares what you can do with and about your grief in this episode of "1 Minute of Hope" which reminds you that you are not alone.
A Balanced Approach
What are you to do and who should you listen to about how to cope with the Coronavirus COVID - 19? Who is right? Dr. Peggy Banks has an interesting perspective based on what Nehemiah did a few years ago.
Trusting God
Ever wonder what you can learn about God from a bird? Dr. Peggy Banks shares some thoughts on this in this "1 Minute of Hope" episode.
Are you in the middle of another terrifying storm of life? Would you like a comforting word from Jesus right now? Dr. Peggy Banks shares that word in this challenging yet calming "1 Minute of Hope" which reminds you that "you are not alone".
Love Calms The Heart
Are you in a "storm"? Dr. Peggy Banks refers to a quote from John Calvin in this episode of "1 Minute of Hope" which helps you through such a storm as this.
Is optimism the same as hope? Interesting question, but are you sure you know if there is any difference and if there is, what is it? Let Dr. Peggy Banks enlighten you today in this short video which reminds you that you are not alone.
God in History
Is God really in control like He is supposed to be? Is there real reason to fear and worry? Dr. Peggy Banks answers these vital and troubling questions in this edition of "1 Minute of Hope".
Intentional Love
What did King David do that was opposite of what people expected a new king to do? Why would Dr. Peggy Banks think you need to think about it? Watch this edition of "1 Minute of Hope" and find out.
Honest Feelings
Is everyone really fine when asked how they are doing? How often do you say "I'm fine" when that is not quite true, or not at all true? Dr. Peggy Banks has a great suggestion for you to consider and implement in this edition of "1 Minute of Hope".
What does the Bible say about Christians and trouble? Dr. Peggy Banks shares the truth which Christians can rely upon, fully, in this edition of "One Minute of Hope", reminding you that you are not alone.